Introduction to Employment

Introduction to Employment allows students to explore job experiences in the areas of food services, retail and business skills to help provide insight into a career path. Students observe and perform hands-on job specific activities at local worksites with job coaches who provide support. Each student completes a portfolio and has assistance in locating job opportunities after graduation.

This program is not being offered during the 2022-23 school year.

Characteristics of a successful student                                        

  • A strong interest in some or all course material
  • Open-minded, eager to learn about new things
  • Excellent attendance
  • Interest and some ability in technical area
  • Parental support of the Career Studies program


Curriculum and materials used

  • Learning for Earning, textbook


Related career opportunities

  • Restaurant Services
  • Child/Daycare Services
  • Maintenance Employee
  • Retail Store Services



No licenses are currently available


Consultant Committee

  • Coarc Daycare
  • Price Chopper-Hudson
  • McDonalds
  • Tractor Supply
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