General Education

Questar III offers a wide array of general education offerings in arts, pre-kindergarten, science and technology and regional competitions.


Alternative Education


Enrichment Programs


Early Childhood Education



  • Center-based Academics for Credit:
    The Center Based Academic program provides direct academic instruction for credit at Questar III ‘s Robert H. Gibson Technical School and Donald R. Kline Technical School to students attending Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Academic instruction may be delivered for any credit – bearing course based on the student’s need for credit and the district’s specific request (English, math, science, global studies, art, physical education, participation in government, economics, etc.)


Itinerant Instruction

Questar III provides school districts with specialists on a part-time basis in such fields such as arts, adaptive physical education, nurse practitioner and related service programs for special populations and pupil personnel services. Itinerant staff members are shared between two or more districts. Questar III currently offers itinerant programs in the following areas:

  • Physical Education
  • School Psychologist
  • School Social Worker
  • Speech Improvement (General Population)
  • Teacher of English for Speakers of Other Languages
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