Questar III BOCES works with school districts to pursue creative collaborative opportunities with businesses that help raise awareness and educate the workforce of tomorrow. This service is designed to develop relevancy between classroom instruction and its application in the real world, helping students understand how the lessons taught relate to the modern workplace, creating authentic student learning.
Experiential Learning
- Pursue and secure student shadowing experiences, internships, co-op or volunteer work that provide practical learning experiences related to interested fields of study.
- Recruit mentors to help guide students, share insights, offer support and advice during a critical time…to engage, motivate, inspire.
- Support high school entrepreneurship programs that encourage students’ creativity in developing a business model.
- Identify organizations and institutions to pursue partnerships with student research programs.
- Collaborate with community creative arts programs to highlight and nurture students’ passions in the arts.
- Connect school service learning programs with community organizations to encourage civic engagement.
Educator Professional Development
- Work with businesses to host a teacher, school counselor or administrator for a day to learn about the business operations and the products/services it offers
- Help educators understand the education and career pathways, highlighting the skills and training required
- Help raise awareness with educators about how businesses and organizations develops culture, leadership and management skills with their employees-skills that students will need
Classroom Collaboration/Curriculum Enhancement
- Pursue and secure student shadowing experiences, internships, co-op or volunteer work that provide practical learning experiences related to interested fields of study
- Recruit mentors to help guide students, share insights, offer support and advice during a critical time…to engage, motivate, inspire
- Support high school entrepreneurship programs that encourage students’ creativity to develop the businesses of tomorrow
- Identify organizations and institutions that seek to partner with student research programs
- Collaborate with community creative arts programs to highlight and nurture students passions in the arts
- Connect school service-learning programs with community organizations and public institutions to encourage civic engagement
Workplace Tours
- Develop interactive, engaging student and/or educator tours to learn about a business, the products/services they offer and the skills they seek-whether in-person or virtually
Speaking Opportunities
- Host a guest speaker- industry professionals, specialists from the building trades, researchers from college programs or community organization leaders-visits can be tailored to align with any subject matter
- Recruit entrepreneurs to participate in activities and share insights that can help inspire and guide student creativity
- Partner with higher education institutions to raise student awareness about the higher education and career pathways and that can lead to future professions
- Assist students in understanding how the classroom instruction they receive is relevant to the workplace
Questar III BOCES works with school districts to pursue creative collaborative opportunities with businesses that will help educate the future workforce. This program is designed to develop relevancy between classroom instruction and its application in the real world, helping students understand how the lessons they learn relate to the modern workplace, creating authentic student learning. This service helps bridge the gap between education and businesses to ensure students are prepared and aware of the opportunities that await them.
Experiential Learning
- Pursue and secure student shadowing experiences, internships, co-op or volunteer work that provide practical learning experiences related to interested fields of study.
- Recruit mentors to help guide students, share insights, offer support and advice during a critical time…to engage, motivate, inspire.
- Support high school entrepreneurship programs that encourage students’ creativity in developing a business model.
- Identify organizations and institutions to pursue partnerships with student research programs.
- Collaborate with community creative arts programs to highlight and nurture students’ passions in the arts.
Collaborate with Teachers and/or Students
- Pair educators and industry professionals to learn how NYS education standards align with concepts and skills in the workplace.
- Provide opportunities for educators and professionals to collaborate to create activities based on real-world projects and problem-solving tasks that require students to research, analyze, and solve complex issues.
- Help educators learn about workplace practices and strategies that they can consider incorporating into their classroom instruction practices.
- Connect with workforce development to learn about the essential skills industries seek and career opportunities available to graduates entering the workforce.
Workplace Tours
- Develop interactive, engaging student and/or educator tours to learn about a business, the products/services they offer, and the skills they seek – whether in-person or virtually.
Teacher Professional Development
- Work with businesses to host a teacher, school counselor, or administrator for a day to learn about the business operations and the products/services it offers.
- Help educators understand the education and career pathways, highlighting the skills and training required.
- Help raise awareness with educators about how businesses and organizations develop culture, leadership, and management skills with their employees – skills that students will need.
Collaborate with Teachers and/or Students
- Help teachers bring relevancy to classroom learning
- Bring real world business thinking to classroom curriculum
- Help mentor students on real world projects and problem solving tasks that are relevant to your business
- Dedicate 8 hours of collaboration time with teachers
Speaking Opportunities
- Host a guest speaker – industry professionals, specialists from the building trades, researchers from college programs, or community organization leaders – visits can be tailored to align with any subject matter.
- Recruit entrepreneurs to participate in activities and share insights that can help inspire and guide student creativity.
- Partner with higher education institutions to raise student awareness about higher education and career pathways that can lead to future professions.
- Assist students in understanding how the classroom instruction they receive is relevant to the workplace.