Alternative Education

Questar III’s Alternative Education programs offer options for students who are in danger of not completing high school, who have difficulty with attendance, grades or motivation, or need personalized assistance to pass Regents exams required for graduation.

For more information about any of these programs, contact Ronald Valentine at 518-479-6838 or

Alternative High School Equivalency Program (AHSEP)

The Alternative High School Equivalency Program allows high school students between the ages of 16-20, still enrolled in a local high school, the opportunity to obtain their High School Equivalency Diploma. AHSEP is intended to serve students under the age of 21 who, under other circumstances, would be served by a regular high school program.

The following entrance criteria are set forth by the NYS Education Department:

  • Students are of legal age to stop attending (at least age 16 and maximum compulsory age)
  • Student have earned less than 2.75 high school credits (waivers are available)
  • Students must test between 8th grade and 10th grade on the TABE exam in Reading and in Mathematics
  • Students have experienced family or social situations that have distracted from academic achievement
  • Students have previously demonstrated poor attendance

High School Equivalency classes are taught by certified teachers in a small classroom setting. When students have met the High School Equivalency pre-test criteria and have received the recommendation of the AHSEP faculty, they will be allowed to sit for the High School Equivalency exam.

The intake committee will review each new student to determine their eligibility. A district representative must be present at all intake meetings for students in this program.

Donald R. Kline Technical School
Monday-Wednesday 2-6 p.m.
Thursdays 2-5 p.m.

A district representative must be present at all intake meetings for students in this program.

Alternative Learning Program with Career & Technical Education

Questar III’s Alternative Learning Program, combined with a Career Technical Education Program, provides students the opportunity to receive two-year Technical Education experience in a chosen career pathway while earning a NYS Regents diploma in a supportive environment. Developed to serve students who may be in danger of dropping out of high school or need additional support to be successful, this program serves students who may previously had difficulties with attendance, motivation or grades. ALP teachers collaborate with the career technical instructors to assist student progress in their career technical class and often provide additional assistance as needed. Communication is key to success, so ALP teachers are in direct contact with families on a regular basis. The ALP team, which includes teachers, the guidance counselor and the social worker meet quarterly to discuss progress and assess needs with each individual student. 

The small individualized group instruction fosters an unique learning environment where the focus is on holistic growth. The program encourages maturity, social skills and workplace readiness in conjunction with their Career Technical program. Classes are taught by certified teachers and aligned with NYS Learning Standards. Some credit recovery is possible. Students are expected to pass the required Regents exams and to complete all graduation requirements necessary for their high school diploma. A district representative must be present at all intake meetings for students in this program.


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