With the return to school just about a week away, we wanted to share SIX easy tips to maximize your learning and growth during the school year:

photo of child sleeping with teddy bearGet your sleep

The value of a good night’s sleep can’t be overstated. Sleep allows your body (and your brain!) to recharge, helping you be more alert, have better focus, and retain information more efficiently. Not getting enough sleep can make it more difficult to learn, listen and concentrate, and can even hurt your problem-solving skills (source). The National Sleep Foundation recommends 8-10 hours of sleep per night for teens, and younger school age kids should get 10-11 hours (source). Even just an extra hour of sleep per night can be the difference between a C and a B! (source)

Photo of bowl with granola and fruitEat a good breakfast

Mom always said breakfast is the most important meal of the day and she’s right! Skip the sugary cereal and choose a meal with protein and fiber to help your kids stay full longer and get the vitamins and nutrition they need to keep their brain running at full speed. Eating a healthy breakfast every day is linked to increased performance in the classroom, and can make a positive impact in overall health as well, which can also lead to enhanced academic performance (source). Check out this list of 10 easy back-to-school recipes for inspiration

Photo of planner with pens and markersGet organized

Being organized can help make any task easier. Start the school year with a plan for managing homework along with other responsibilities (sports, music, extracurriculars, etc.) and stick to it! Once the year gets rolling and projects start rolling in, start each one with a plan of what needs to be done when instead of letting work pile up and become overwhelming. If your school doesn’t provide an agenda or planner, you can find a variety at any office supply or big-box retailer.


photo of hand writing in notebookList your academic goals

There’s no better way to motivate yourself than to write down the things you want to achieve! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, so begin the year by listing the things you want to accomplish and prioritize it. Do you want to improve your grades, learn to study better, or find a way to be a leader on campus, either in class or in another activity? Once you make a list, break it down and create a plan to check off each goal you set for yourself. Make sure to assess your list throughout the year and make sure you’re on track! Sharing your list with a trusted teacher or friend can offer some accountability and give you someone to help keep you on track if you start to get behind!

Photo of baseball player sliding into first baseGet involved

Studies have shown that students who participate in extracurricular activities improve their grades. Sports and other activities are great ways to meet new people who have similar interests and have fun at the same time. Not to mention, participating in activities outside the classroom adds a whole new dimension to your school experience! If your school doesn’t offer an activity you’d be interested in, approach a teacher or principal about starting one!


Photo of woman reading a bookGive yourself some downtime

Being involved is good, but overextending yourself isn’t. Know your limits and when you need to step back and give yourself some room to breathe, do it! Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and your academic performance, and any one of these three pieces suffering can make the other two suffer as well. Find things you can do on your own or with a friend or your family to relax and recharge your batteries! Don’t get so wrapped up in your schoolwork, activities and social life that you neglect yourself. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, talk to a friend, family member, your school counselor or a trusted teacher – there are plenty of resources available designed for students to help you stay mentally (and physically) healthy!

Follow these tips and see the impact it can make in your school year! Do you have a tip or idea we didn’t mention? Share it with us on Facebook or Twitter, and we might use it in a future post!

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