October 5, 2020 Update
We are happy to report that the Maple Hill Educational Center will resume in-person instruction for both students and staff on Tuesday, October 6.
At this time, the Rensselaer County Department of Health has officially confirmed the positive staff member case and has investigated the case for contact tracing. The county has determined that no individuals were identified as close contacts per the CDC guidelines. Questar III assisted the county with these efforts by providing attendance records and other information. Individuals at Maple Hill Educational Center are asked to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. If the following new or worsening symptoms develop, individuals should contact their health care provider or local health department to be assessed:
- a temperature greater or equal to 100° F
- feel feverish or have chills
- cough
- loss of taste or smell
- fatigue
- sore throat
- shortness of breath
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- muscle pain or body aches
- headaches or nasal congestion/running nose
Questar III will continue to utilize its safety protocols, including daily screening, temperature checks, wearing of masks, social distancing, and cleaning and disinfecting.
October 4, 2020 Update
Questar III BOCES was informed of a positive COVID-19 case at our Maple Hill program.
Although we are waiting for the implementation of the contact tracing protocols from the county department of health, out of an abundance of caution, the Maple Hill Educational Center will be fully remote for students and staff on Monday, October 5th, 2020 and impacted families were contacted directly. All other Questar III classes and schools will open for in-person instruction as scheduled on Monday.
The Schodack Central School District and Questar III BOCES thoroughly cleaned and disinfected its space at Maple Hill today per in accordance with state and local guidance.
Parents and staff from our Maple Hill program are encouraged to offer their full cooperation if they are contacted by a representative of the county health department. If you are not contacted by a representative there is no further action needed.
Questar III will assist the county with contact tracing efforts using attendance records as well as other information. While we understand that you may want additional details, privacy laws restrict us from disclosing or confirming any personally identifiable information.
Please visit https://www.questar.org/reopening/ for more information on our reopening plan and COVID-19 protocols and https://www.questar.org/2020/03/13/resources-regarding-novel-coronavirus/ for additional COVID-19 resources.
Anyone with questions or that needs to report a COVID-19 related health issue should their building principal or Questar III’s COVID-19 Coordinator Craig Hansen at COVID19@questar.org.