by James Baldwin and David William Davis, Commentary
Published by the Times Union, November 29, 2012

Far too many high school students graduate unprepared for college or work, and far too many good jobs go unfilled every year. Two recent news items point to the need for public education, business and others to work together and to respond to our changing workplace and economy.

As chief executives of a BOCES and a global manufacturer based locally since 1910, we wholeheartedly agree with Sen. Chuck Schumer and columnist Thomas Friedman that it’s time to address the widening gap between skill levels in demand and the knowledge and skills of our workforce.

Schumer recently urged the state Board of Regents to adopt new pathways to graduation in career and technical education and science, technology, engineering and math — an initiative proposed last spring that he said will improve graduation rates and reduce young adult unemployment.

At a time when many are talking about the need to create jobs, we also need to focus on developing the skills of those who can fill the millions of jobs that go unfilled in STEM and manufacturing — while 12.3 million go unemployed.

The reality is our public education system — long the foundation of our democracy and driver of our economic prosperity — has worked for some but not all.

The Economic Policy Institute reports a 31 percent unemployment rate for young high school graduates and an underemployment rate of 54 percent. One in seven between the ages of 16 to 24 is not in school or working according to the Measure of America project. This group cost taxpayers $93.7 billion in government support and lost tax revenue in 2011.

In a recent New York Times column, Friedman described the difficulty of a Minnesota-based sheet metal company in hiring skilled welders. This story could be retold across our nation, including here in the Capital Region.

This is why “college and career readiness” is the driving force behind the Common Core Learning Standards adopted by New York and 45 other states — and why entities like Questar III and Simmons are working together. Ultimately, this is something that can only be addressed by schools and businesses together.

We urge the Board of Regents to create multiple pathways to a Regents diploma by recognizing the value of CTE, STEM, the arts, foreign languages and other disciplines that truly engage students.

Our economy has changed and as technology accelerates, change will become even more rapid. Our students will have to continue to learn throughout their careers — and most will change jobs and careers multiple times. We must prepare them accordingly.

Academic rigor alone will not prepare students to solve problems, make informed decisions, communicate and work effectively in teams. We must provide them with learning environments that elevate the importance of skills development, intellectual, social and emotional engagement and real world learning.

This means investing in real world, hands-on training programs with business and higher education that includes internships, job shadowing, mentoring and project-based learning — something already provided by CTE programs offered through the BOCES.

It also means making an explicit connection between high school, postsecondary education and employment — so parents and students can see how to obtain jobs in our knowledge and tech-based economies — and encouraging more students to enroll in postsecondary programs while still in high school.

As a major supplier to railways around the world, Simmons’ one barrier to continued growth is a lack of skilled people.

This is why Simmons continues to engage in activities to build a pipeline of skilled talent — such as sponsoring students at Hudson Valley Community College and serving as unpaid consultant on CTE programs offered by BOCES — and why it urges others to be part of the solution as well.

Establishing these additional pathways will not only help more students graduate on time, but it will also provide them with the relevant, real world learning they need to prosper (and for companies like Simmons to fill the skills gap). Ultimately, more options will lead to better outcomes and a better future for everyone, from our students and region to our businesses and economy.

Baldwin is the district superintendent of Questar III BOCES in Castleton. Davis is the president / chief operating officer of Simmons Machine Tool Corp. in Menands.

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