Paul Puccio School at Maple Hill

Notification of COVID Positive

Notification of COVID Positive

This afternoon, we were notified that a staff member at the Paul Puccio School at Maple Hill tested positive for COVID. The individual was last on campus on November 23. Based on the circumstances of this case, there a need to conduct contact tracing at our building. 

Notification of COVID Positive

Notification of COVID Positive

This afternoon, we were notified that a staff member at the Paul Puccio School at Maple Hill tested positive for COVID. Based on the circumstances of this case, there is a need to conduct contact tracing at our building. 

Notification of COVID Positive

Notification of COVID Positive

This afternoon, we were notified of a positive student case at the Paul Puccio at Maple Hill. The student was last on campus on October 25. Based on the circumstances of this case, there is a need to conduct contact tracing at our building.

Notification of COVID Positive

Notification of COVID Positive

This morning, we were notified of a staff and student positive at the Paul Puccio School at Maple Hill. Based on the circumstances of these cases, there is no need to conduct contact tracing at our building.

Child Tax Credit Information

Child Tax Credit Information

As of July 15th, most families are automatically receiving monthly payments of $250 or $300 per child without having to take any action.