May Coffee Talk

As a result of the current environment, we are making a change for this month’s Coffee Talk.  The new date and time for the Coffee Talk will be Wednesday, May 20th at 9AM.  In addition, rather than the regularly scheduled topic of Health Services and Non-Resident Billing, we will be talking about the 2020-21 budget process and updated due dates, state aid projections and other current topics for which information may be available.  We hope that you will join us!

New Resources

We have posted a number of new resources that we hope will be useful for you:

  1. State Aid Projections 2007-08 through 2020-21 (includes GEA information)
  2. 5-Year Factor Analysis (sorted by BOCES)
  3. 2020-21 State Aid Factors

All of these worksheets can be found under the ‘Topics’ section of our website, either on the BOCES drop-down menu (5-Year Factor Analysis) or the State Aid drop-down menu (State Aid Projections and 2020-21 State Aid Factors).  Take a look!

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