The Questar III School Library System offers several CoSers to assist schools in stretching their budgets. This section of the School Library System website is designed to give you concise information about our services.
Itinerant Librarian (CoSer 315)
This service provides a certified, part-time librarian for requesting member districts. The librarian who is hired will manage the needs of the library, collaborate with teachers, and work with students.
Questar III staff will post the position, recruit, appoint, and orient the individual to the position. In addition, BOCES staff will supervise and evaluate the librarian with the input of the building principals. BOCES will administer all payroll and other budgetary matters related to this itinerant position.
Learn360 (CoSer 511)
Learn360 enables districts access to media aligned with New York State K-12 standards and assessments to support student learning. Media is delivered directly to the school district and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to participants. Media consists of streaming video, audio and accompanying teaching materials. Please contact the SLS if you are interested.
Coordinated Cooperative Collection Development CCCD (CoSer 514)
The Questar III School Library System is helping you make the most of your library budget by providing a CCCD CoSer. Each library already has a designated category to which it can direct its efforts. A district can purchase titles through the CCCD CoSer with a portion of its library budget. Aid is then generated on all books purchased with this money, and thereby stretches its limited funds. Even with the smallest of library budgets, you can’t go wrong with this purchase. CCCD Information
Resource Access Tools (CoSer 516)
Enables District Libraries to purchase electronic access tools such as ProQuest, Gale, and Scholastic databases. Consortium pricing enables districts to realize cost savings while providing students and teachers with access to the latest information and resources. List of Databases
Library Automation (CoSer 516)
This service provides coordination and professional and technical assistance to implement and support a region-wide library automation service using Follett automation software.
The service provides:
Phase I (516.01) – Retrospective conversion of school library records to a machine-readable format (MARC database development); Certified staff to assist in preparation of collection.
Phase II (516.02) – Assistance with district acquisition and installation of library automation, hardware, software, and technical support. Requires purchase of Phase I.
Phase III (516.02) – Required purchase for all districts in Phase II. This includes the ongoing support and maintenance to the hardware, software and telecommunications aspects of library automation.
Please do not hesitate to call with any questions at (518) 479-6978, or send an email to Amanda Karian, School Library Specialist at