Spring / Summer Workshops
Questar III’s School Improvement Department is offering a number of workshops this spring and summer.
- 6/24 − 6/25 Critical Incident Stress Management
- 7/9 − 7/10 Establishing and Monitoring Behavioral Intervention Plans
- 7/8 − 7/9 Engaging in Meaningful PBL Experiences
- 7/16 Next Generation Learning Standards Grades 3-5 ELA and Math
- 7/17 Next Generation Learning Standards Grades PreK- 2 ELA and Math
- 7/18 Cultural Responsiveness in Education: A Starting Point
- 7/22 APPR Lead Teacher Evaluator Initial Certification
- 7/23 − 7/26 SED Restorative Practices
- 7/29 ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Standards
- 7/31 APPR Lead Teacher Evaluator Recertification
- 8/2 Twice Exceptional ELLs
- 8/7 Progress Monitoring: K-5 Math and ELA
- 8/8 Progress Monitoring 6-12 Math and ELA
- 8/8 School Climate Survey & Qualtrics Overview
- 8/14 APPR Lead Teacher Evaluator Recertification
- 8/15 Youth Mental Health First Aid
- 8/20 Next Generation Standards Grades 6-8 ELA and Math
- 8/20 AP English Language and Composition
- 8/21 ESSA Refresher
- 8/22 APPR Teacher Lead Evaluator Initial Certification
- 8/26 – 8/27 Introduction to Coding (Web Application Technology)
- 8/28 Inferential Statistics in Algebra 2