Harry Hadjioannou
Chief Operating & Innovation Officer, Deputy Superintendent Harry Hadjioannou
Mr. Hadjioannou received a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, a Master of Science, and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Education Administration and Policy Studies from SUNY at Albany. He also holds several Labor Relations certificates from the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations.
Prior to joining Questar III in 1993, Mr. Hadjioannou was a practicing certified public accountant with an international auditing and consulting firm. He has extensive expertise in government, education, health and workers’ compensation insurance, labor relations, technology, and facilities planning.
As Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Hadjioannou oversees all administrative and management operations as well as non-instructional programs, including business office, treasury, human resources, operations & maintenance, facilities/capital improvements, information technology, health & safety, insurance & risk management, internal audit, financial services, and financial planning and analysis. He chairs the Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene Counties Health Insurance Trust, is a director and treasurer of the Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene Workers’ Compensation Consortium, and is also a director of the Questar III Education Foundation board. He is a member of the Administration and District Services Superintendents’ Subcommittee.
As Chief Innovation Officer, Mr. Hadjioannou is responsible for the creation of new services as well as the evaluation and improvement of existing programs.
Mr. Hadjioannou is a member of the American Hellenic Progressive Education Association (AHEPA) and president of the Cyprus Research and Cultural Center.