Kenneth Jackson, a Culinary senior at Donald R. Kline Technical School, lights a candle during the National Technical Honor Society ceremony while other members and Questar III School Counselor Caitlin Preisner look on.
Questar III BOCES would like to congratulate the 139 students who have been named to the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). To qualify for NTHS, a student must:
- Achieve a 90% or higher average in their program
- Five or less unexcused absences
- Verification by their home district of an 85% average or above at the district for the school year
A total of 30 students were recognized as two-year members and took part in a special NTHS ceremony. These students were awarded a stole to wear at graduation at their home districts. Another 109 students were recognized as new 2024 inductees. Congratulations to our students on a successful school year!
Two Year Members
Donald R. Kline Technical School
- Emilee Booy, Cosmetology II, Chatham CSD
- Anthony Bruni, Criminal Justice II, Hudson CSD
- Samuel Buquet, Criminal Justice II, Greenville CSD
- Dawson Cooper, Criminal Justice II, Taconic Hills CSD
- Anastasia Hotaling, Introduction to Food Services, Hudson CSD
- Kenneth Jackson, Culinary Arts II, Hudson CSD
- Julia Kraus, Criminal Justice II, Taconic Hills CSD
- Zachary Rowe, Criminal Justice II, Taconic Hills CSD
- Hailey Schrull, Nursing Assistant, Cairo-Durham CSD
- Brielle Stang, Cosmetology II, Taconic Hills CSD
- Kaylee VanWagner, Culinary Arts II, Cairo-Durham CSD
Marilyn A. Noonan School at Durham
- Kaleb Dawson, Heavy Equipment Repair & Operation II, Taconic Hills CSD
- Gianna Fraim, Heavy Equipment Repair & Operation II, Greenville CSD
Robert H. Gibson Technical School
- Christian Bachandouris, Gaming & Multimedia II, East Greenbush CSD
- James Bolognino, HVAC II, Hoosic Valley CSD
- Jason Burlingame, Gaming & Multimedia II, Troy CSD
- Justin Charette, Gaming & Multimedia II, Lansingburgh CSD
- Savannah Craig, Heavy Equipment II, East Greenbush CSD
- Connor Farnan, Heavy Equipment II, Troy CSD
- Alexander Kaplan, HVAC II, Brunswick CSD
- Clayton LeBlanc, HVAC II, Brunswick CSD
- Oriana Letzelter, Criminal Justice II, Schodack CSD
- Logan Mauriello, Gaming & Multimedia II, Greenville CSD
- Angela Nailor, Gaming & Multimedia II, Averill Park CSD
- David Orologio, Gaming & Multimedia II, Averill Park CSD
- McKenna Pelech, Criminal Justice II, Averill Park CSD
- Bradley Roehr, Heavy Equipment II, East Greenbush CSD
- Brianne Ronds, Criminal Justice II, Troy CSD
- Devon Russell, HVAC II, Brunswick CSD
- Thomas Shanahan, Gaming & Multimedia II, Averill Park CSD

Oriana Letzelter, a Criminal Justice senior at Robert H. Gibson Technical School, receives her stole from Questar III BOCES District Superintendent Gladys Cruz, for being a 2 year member of NTHS.
New 2024 Inductees
Donald R. Kline Technical School
- Kamryn Anderson, Cosmetology II, Germantown CSD
- Ryan Antalek, Aviation I, Ichabod Crane CSD
- Salvatore Aufiero, Automotive Services, Germantown CSD
- Joseph Cooper, Culinary Arts I, Coxsackie-Athens CSD
- Emma Croote, Cosmetology I, Greenville CSD
- William Dady, Culinary Arts I, Ichabod Crane CSD
- Justin Dalton, Construction Technology I, Taconic Hills CSD
- LoLa Fraim, Cosmetology I, Greenville CSD
- Kevin Hatker, Culinary Arts II, Catskill CSD
- Emily Heichel, Introduction to Food Services, Greenville CSD
- Adele Heuer, Aviation I, Germantown CSD
- Faith Judisky, Cosmetology II, Taconic Hills CSD
- Renee Lippolis, Culinary Arts I, Taconic Hills CSD
- Ellie McCarthy, Nursing Assistant, Coxsackie-Athens CSD
- Abigail McFarland, Introduction to Food Services, Germantown CSD
- Olivia Montanye, Nursing Assistant, Coxsackie-Athens CSD
- Connor Mullen, Aviation I, Greenville CSD
- Cameron Myers, Criminal Justice I, Chatham CSD
- Axton Nack, Culinary Arts II, Ichabod Crane CSD
- Madison Passineau, Aviation I, Averill Park CSD
- Park Seema Patel, Nursing Assistant, Chatham CSD
- Luke Profera, Construction Technology I, Ichabod Crane CSD
- McKenna Quigley, Criminal Justice I, Ichabod Crane CSD
- Loki Rhoades, Introduction to Food Services, Cairo-Durham CSD
- Logan Rivenburg, Culinary Arts II, Hudson CSD
- Ryan Romaine, Culinary Arts I, Catskill CSD
- Andrew Scarlata, Criminal Justice I, Greenville CSD
- Nolan Space, Criminal Justice I, Ichabod Crane CSD
- William Stallbohm, HVAC I, Cairo-Durham CSD
- Akara Townsend, Culinary Arts I, Chatham CSD
- Zeniah Vaughn, Cosmetology I, Hudson CSD
- Emilie Weig, Criminal Justice I, Hudson CSD
- Madilyn Witherell, Criminal Justice I, Ichabod Crane CSD
Marilyn A. Noonan School at Durham
- Joshua Banyard, Heavy Equipment Repair & Operation I, Taconic Hills CSD
- Hannah Ferrer, Agriculture Science I, Germantown CSD
- Lorna Pigott, Agriculture Science I, Coxsackie-Athens CSD
Robert H. Gibson Technical School
- Heather Barrett, Nursing Assistant AM, Lansingburgh CSD
- Tyler Benjamin, Gaming & Multimedia II, Cohoes CSD
- Emily Carhart, Nursing Assistant AM, Troy CSD
- Peyton Coumbes, Gaming & Multimedia II, New Lebanon CSD
- Brandon Dobert, Heavy Equipment II, Brunswick CSD
- Maya Eriole, Nursing Assistant AM, East Greenbush CSD
- Matthew Goebel, Criminal Justice II, Berlin CSD
- Buddy Graf, Gaming & Multimedia II, Troy CSD
- Hunter Hepp, Automotive Technology II, Lansingburgh CSD
- Hannah Jansen, Nursing Assistant AM, Averill Park CSD
- Payne Kinne, Gaming & Multimedia II, Troy CSD
- Estelle Krause, Cosmetology II, Rensselaer
- Nicholas Martone, HVAC II, Averill Park CSD
- Molly Molitor, Criminal Justice II, Averill Park CSD
- Alexa Phillips, Nursing Assistant AM, Brunswick CSD
- Julia Pollock, Nursing Assistant AM, Averill Park CSD
- Jermaine Rehm, HVAC II, Lansingburgh CSD
- Robert Remington, HVAC II, Brunswick CSD
- Ethan Saunders, Gaming & Multimedia II, Berlin CSD
- Alex Snedaker, Nursing Assistant AM, East Greenbush CSD
- Nathan Sober, Culinary Arts II, Schodack CSD
- Aidan Van Dyk, HVAC II, Berlin CSD
- Niko Velez, Gaming & Multimedia II, Lansingburgh CSD
- Colton Wyant, Automotive Services II, East Greenbush CSD
- Gideon Abbas, Gaming & Multimedia I, Questar III and HVCC STEM High School
- Paul Acker, Heavy Equipment I, East Greenbush CSD
- Nathan Angrisano, Criminal Justice I, Averill Park CSD
- Aja Barton, Gaming & Multimedia I, Rensselaer CSD
- Katelyn Bates, Culinary Arts I, Hoosic Valley CSD
- Nevaeh Blandin, Nursing Assistant PM (senior), Rensselaer CSD
- Kaylee Bleau, Automotive Services I, Brunswick CSD
- Tannis Bonesteel, Criminal Justice I, Averill Park CSD
- Jake Bosso, Automotive Technology I, Berlin CSD
- Nina Bryant Warner, Nursing Assistant PM (senior), Averill Park CSD
- John Buchan, Heavy Equipment I, East Greenbush CSD
- Madisyn Bulson, Heavy Equipment I, Averill Park CSD
- Jasper “Cliff” Carey, Heavy Equipment I, Hoosic Valley CSD
- Abigail Creech, Criminal Justice I, Averill Park CSD
- Kylie Cronkhite, Criminal Justice I, East Greenbush CSD
- Merritt Cropsey Jr., Heavy Equipment I, Averill Park CSD
- Ethan Daigenault, Introduction to Foods I, Troy CSD
- Klara Daoust, Automotive Technology I, East Greenbush CSD
- Trinity Demars, Cosmetology I, Averill Park CSD
- Cierra Gabriel, Criminal Justice I, East Greenbush CSD
- Melody Gallerie, Culinary Arts I, Averill Park CSD
- Angelina Hayes, Criminal Justice I, Averill Park CSD
- Nathanael Hendricks, Heavy Equipment I, Berlin CSD
- Mackenzie Hersko, Heavy Equipment I, Schodack CSD
- Jameson Lott, HVAC I, Averill Park CSD
- Aiden Laranjo, Heavy Equipment I, Troy CSD
- Michael Leonard, Gaming & Multimedia I, Troy CSD
- Ayla Locci, Cosmetology I, Averill Park CSD
- Chase Maxon, Automotive Technology I, New Lebanon CSD
- Laila McNeal, Cosmetology I, East Greenbush CSD
- Chayce Moak, HVAC I, Averill Park CSD
- Nikki Minkler, Nursing Assistant PM (senior), Berlin CSD
- Kiah Morey, Culinary Arts I, Averill Park CSD
- Cody Morrissey, Heavy Equipment I, Averill Park CSD
- Lillian Mostaccio, Gaming & Multimedia I, Averill Park CSD
- Trequan Nash, Gaming & Multimedia I, Troy CSD
- Xiell Owens, Gaming & Multimedia I, East Greenbush CSD
- Riley Pember, Criminal Justice I, Averill Park CSD
- Casey Raczkowski, Nursing Assistant PM (senior), Troy CSD
- Eliel Raphael, Automotive Services I, East Greenbush CSD
- Dennis Recore III, Gaming & Multimedia I, Brunswick CSD
- Ava Retell, Criminal Justice I, Hoosic Valley CSD
- Devin Sardi, Heavy Equipment I, East Greenbush CSD
- Kaitlyn Sawyer, Nursing Assistant PM (senior), Averill Park CSD
- Natalia Sorriento, Criminal Justice I, Troy CSD
- Mason Speanburgh, Heavy Equipment I, Hoosic Valley CSD
- Claudia Stickles, Automotive Technology I, New Lebanon CSD
- Jacob Watkins, HVAC I, Hoosic Valley CSD
- Christopher Williams, Heavy Equipment I, Averill Park CSD