Dear Families:
We will be providing additional at-home test kits to families before the February break. Test kits will be sent home with students on February 16 unless you contact your child’s school to opt out by February 15. Please test your child on the night of Sunday, February 27, prior to sending your child back to school on Monday, February 28 (and again on Wednesday, March 2, per the Governor’s guidance). If your child tests positive, please keep them isolated at home and contact your Questar III school office. If your child becomes ill at school, we will be able to test them using our point of care testing machines (based on your prior consent).
As a reminder, if you are notified by school personnel that your child is a close contact at school, you must follow the guidance from the State Department of Health found here. Individuals are now expected to complete these on their own at the conclusion of their isolation or quarantine period. This change in state guidance shifts us towards more personal responsibility and accountability. Ultimately, the best way to avoid being in close contact or risk infecting others is to continue to follow our mitigation protocols, including physical distancing, wearing a well-fitting mask (unless eating or drinking), and staying home if you are sick.
Thank you for your cooperation with yesterday’s early school release for students. Our staff participated in a Trauma-Sensitive School Training. Schools play a significant role in supporting the health and well-being of students, including those affected by traumatic experiences. This training will help our staff to identify potential trauma triggers in the school environment as well as opportunities for reducing and eliminating potentially triggering practices.
Please see below for some upcoming opportunities within our region. Thank you and have a great weekend.
Anthony Taibi
Chief Academic Officer
Ongoing and Upcoming events
- Monday, February 7: Work-based learning and readiness experiences resumed
- Thursday, February 10: STEM High School in-person Open House
- Thursday, February 17: Tech Valley High School information session.
- Tuesday, March 7 and Wednesday, March 8: In-person CTE open house. March 7 at Columbia-Greene Educational Center in Hudson and March 8 at Rensselaer Educational Center in Troy. More information will be provided in the upcoming weeks.
Find additional learning opportunities for personal development courses throughout February and March from the School Age FACE Center here: