Section 4410 of NYS Education Law authorizes school districts to receive reimbursement from counties for reasonable and necessary CPSE administrative costs incurred for preschool students.

School districts can view their CPSE Administrative Cost Listing (ACL) via the DQDAT STAC online screen. A hardcopy of the ACL will not be mailed.

The DQDAD STAC online screen also allows school districts to view a history of their CPSE administrative costs. School districts may view their preschool student lists via the DQKID STAC online screen.

School districts must continue to voucher their respective counties to receive reimbursement for CPSE administrative costs. Please contact your county directly to determine how you should be submitting for reimbursement.

STAC Unit Memo to School Districts
STAC Unit CPSE Administrative Cost Screens Guidance Document

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