The State Education Department has released information to complete the 2019-20 Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Calculator for the Eligibility Standard.  Please note that the new MOE Calculator (v1.3) submitted for the 2017-18 Compliance Standard must be approved before the 2019-20 MOE Calculator is prepared.

In order to assist districts with their MOE calculations, we have updated our website with these two documents:Worksheet to Complete MOE Calculator for ’19-20 Eligibility* and Tips for Preparing the ’19-20 MOE for Eligibility.  *The worksheet can still be used for prior years’ MOE calculations if needed.  Also, we have added an additional tab labeled ‘2019-20 Excess Cost Aids’ to help districts estimate Excess Cost Aid amounts to use.

The completed NYSED MOE calculator is required to be submitted by e-mail to by July 19th.  Please include your district’s name and “2019-20 MOE Eligibility” in the subject line.

In addition, the State Education Department has posted the new allocations for the IDEA grants at 2019-20 IDEA Allocations.

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