Board approved Single Audit Corrective Action Plan(s) for Financial Statement Findings (a.k.a. Section II) and Major Federal Program Findings (a.k.a. Section III) are due Tuesday, April 30th.

Districts must submit their written response(s) to the findings and recommendations in the single audit report(s) and the Board of Education’s resolution approving of the Corrective Action Plan(s) by April 30th through SED’s Business Portal. The corrective action plans should include the information listed below:

1. A description of what actions have been taken;
2. A description of what actions are planned to be taken;
3.The date when all actions were completed, or a future date when all actions are expected to be completed;
4.The name of the person, and their position, who are responsible for implementing this(these) corrective action plan(s).

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